The Beast in My Belly

The Beast in My Belly
*This title is also available on Bookshop, an organization that supports independent bookstores!
Written by Grzegorz Kasdepke
Illustrated by Tomasz Kozlowski
Translated from Polish by Agnes Monod-Gayraud
The Beast in My Belly is a humorous, yet probing, story about a little girl and all of the mysterious stuff that goes on inside of her and all of the feelings she has. Some of these are uneasy and dark, of course. By discovering a beast in her belly, she cleverly relies on humor to explore her fears, both on her own and with others. This story is told by a master storyteller, whose every word is brought to life by the expressive charm and humor of the illustrations.
ISBN: 978-1-59270-160-5
6" (W) x 9.38" (H) • 48 pages • HCJ
Grade Level: 2
Interest Level: K-5
Lexile Level: 600
Guided Reading Level: M
“An amusing take on a universal human experience, one that should strike giggling chords among its readers.” —Kirkus Reviews
"Thanks to fabulously discerning, award-winning indie press Enchanted Lion Books, prolific Polish author Grzegorz Kasdepke makes a delightfully whimsical Stateside debut-in-translation. Artist Tomek Kozlowski charms Kasdepke’s playfully beastly tale with ingenuity (he turns an illustration on its side to show the impossible is possible), movement (he uses double images to capture separate conversations with a squirrel and birds in a single sentence), and so much humor (you’ll have to giggle over all that for yourself)." —Smithsonian Book Dragon