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Written and illustrated by Rémi Courgeon
Translated from French by Claudia Zoe Bedrick
A New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book of 2017
Feather is about a musical girl who is also tenacious, tough, and a real fighter. Living in a household consisting of her father and three brothers, Feather often gets the short end of the stick, meaning the laundry, cooking, and grocery shopping. One afternoon, she gets a black eye and all her plans change. This is a great book about being a girl, taking charge, and realizing your dreams!
ISBN: 978-1-59270-210-7
9.25" (W) x 12.38" (H) • 36 pages • HCJ
A New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book of 2017
A Bank Street College of Education Best Children’s Book of 2018
A 2018 CCBC Choice
"With its bold colors and vivacious lines, Courgeon’s stylish, poster-like art is full of small, exquisite details that reveal poignant aspects of Paulina’s story, creating a deep emotional connection with a heroine who’s a fighter in more than one sense." —The New York Times
"The illustrations shine...with gorgeous, intricate scenes of Paulina's home life and training, thoughtful portraits of each character, and little treats such as boxing gloves arranged in a heart. ...a beautiful and unusual tale of family and strength." —Kirkus Reviews
"Elegant and melancholic, Courgeon’s posterlike images suit the mood of a story whose subtle details (of her father, a Russian miner turned cab driver: ‘Feather could see how tired he really was’) create an intimate connection between readers and a girl who forges her own path." —Publishers Weekly
"...this is a picture book about a girl who learns to fight and stand up for herself and who earns the respect of the men in her life. Yet to describe it thus, in hackneyed terms of female empowerment, is to overlook the gentle power and intelligence of this particular telling. Paulina’s triumph is distinctive, personal and refined. Mr. Courgeon’s shaggy prints (see left), meanwhile, are composed in a striking way that now and then brings to mind the work of Matisse." —Meghan Cox Gurdon, The Wall Street Journal
"A story of courage, dedication, contradiction, and love. [...] A surprise beneath the dust jacket reveals a ‘Prize Fight’ poster featuring Paulina and her brothers, furthering the ambiguous message that is both critical and celebratory of the violence the story presents.” —Elisa Gall, The Horn Book
“The illustrations radiate…with a color palette that catches the eye, considerate portraits of each character, and bold poster-like graphics. The attention to detail creates a stunning connection between the words and the story… Feather is a tenacious character and book that brings a beautiful example of self propelled strength…” —The Reading Ninja
“Let’s start with that bold cover. Already we’re made aware of Feather’s strength, her spirit and unwavering determination. We see it in her direct stare, her ready stance. We’re curious about the curl in her hair. She’s a fighter, that’s clear, and she bestows a graceful quality. She’s someone we want to know more about. […] Illustration and typography merge beautifully in Courgeon’s work. […] Feather feels like a classic, one to hold dear throughout the generations.” —Summer Te Ariki, Reading Is Our Thing